Wednesday, June 16, 2021

I LOVE this talk re: Social Media. Just as relevant now as it was 9 years ago . . . Notable quotes: "We should acknowledge that our cell phones and laptops carry no secret powers that will push us toward one side or the other of the war that began in heaven; they are simply tools that amplify the choices we make through our agency." How are you keeping records of the good, happy, and worthy things in your life? " . . .everything she wrote or shared on the Internet was meant to help someone or demonstrate something decent or testify of something great. Her engagement with the world through technology was something more than just entertainment, a hobby, or an interesting way to pass the time. To her, these were holy activities—purposeful, consecrated actions and sacramental exercises of faith that helped her obtain and share the vision of our Heavenly Father." You can often tell if the media and technology in your life are having a positive or negative effect on your soul by the quality of the media conversations you are having. We should regularly ask ourselves three questions: 1. Am I having media conversations, or am I simply consuming the media? As a media scholar, I can tell you that simply consuming media messages is one of the most destructive things we can do to ourselves. The changes that unchallenged consumption has on your soul are also small, simple, and incremental but oriented toward your eventual destruction. 2. What conversations am I having about media with my family and those closest to me? Any media practice that discourages conversations with others or is focused inwardly on your appetites rather than outwardly on others will rob you of your faith and prove debilitating to your soul. 3. What am I doing to improve the conversations around me when I use media to communicate? Remember, you can find ways and you can go to places and you can create circumstances in which you can unite symbolically with your Heavenly Father. In so doing, you can gain moment-to-moment access to His power. Choose to be a record keeper: it will build your faith and the faith of those around you. Choose to engage in active media conversations and avoid passive media consumption. Choose to consecrate your every day—your thoughts, communications, and actions. Choose to look outward in service to others for answers to your prayers. Choose to “find ways and go to places and create circumstances where [you] can unite symbolically with [our Father] and . . . gain access to His power” to help you navigate through the choices and challenges of your generation.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

Merry Christmas 2012!! I can't believe it's been three years since I posted on this Blog. Shame on me. Gladly, I now have a new reason to breathe some life into this blog with my new CAMERA!!! (Thank you Stin, Dad, Sherry, & Kenzie!!!) This was the standard pic that 3/7 of our family took with Santa at the mall this past Saturday. Great pic. Makes me happy.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

What a year is has been! The highlight of the year was having everyone together for Christmas -- Thank you Santa Claus!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Luci's 7th Birthday Disney World Adventure

On the morning of Luci's 7th birthday, we woke her up with the news that she was having a non-traditional birthday. Instead of going to school and having a family/friends birthday party in the evening, she would be flying down to Orlando, Florida for a five-day birthday extravanza at Disney World!!! It was fun for mom, dad, and Lola as well!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mackenzie home from Malawi!!!

Soooo great to have her home safe and sound. Sadly, she did not take a camera with her, so we do not have pictures of elephants, beautiful Malawian children, nor "mouse on a stick." If you have Mackenzie as a friend on Facebook, maybe you can catch some there!

Nice corn rows Kenzie!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day camping with the Han Family at Pohick Bay

It was a beautiful location, delicous meals were prepared and devoured and fun was had by all!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grandpa Papito comes to town!!

Grandpa Don aka Papito, came to visit in late May before Scott took off to the sandbox and Kenzie to Malawi. Baby Lola loves her grandpa!

Scott also made Grandpa take out the Chapman's canoe on it's maiden voyage down Goose Creek ( . . . a 3 hour tour . . a 3 hour tour . . .). Scott and Grandpa ended up going into the water on at least 3 separate occasions going over some rapids, and Grandpa ended up with 2 broken toes (we only had flimsy sandals to offer him for the journey) OUCH!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cherry Blossoms and Sherry Blossoms

Sherry came to visit the clan for 48 hours. The highlight was our trip to the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC to celebrate the last few days of the Cherry Blossom Festival. Just walking and enjoying the beautiful day and listening to great Bubble- Gum Rock Music at the Jefferson Memorial.