Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Luci/Lola rules . . .

(unsolicited rules that Luci shared with her parents this morning regarding her interaction with Lola):

  1. No throwing Lola into the TV console
  2. No crushing her skull
  3. no pulling her hair
  4. no poking her eyes out
  5. If you really want to hit Lola, just do it like this (hand motion, very soft light pat on the head)
  6. No pinching anywhere
  7. No pulling hair off her skin
  8. No attacking Lola
  9. No waking her up
  10. no putting weight on her (laying on her)
  11. no making her carry heavy weight
  12. no pushing her off from high things
We're so glad to have these ground rules in place. We'll all sleep much better now!


April Cobb said...

I love it!!! She probably should add that she shouldn't feed her anything that mom or dad haven't put in a bottle. Did Luci present it to you on PowerPoint? She sounds like a professional! You have some good times ahead, Scotty!

Julie said...

So fun. Can't wait to see little Lola and all her family in September. I wish it was sooner. Can't wait to hold that little cutie.

christy said...

I love the rules and esp. that she came up with them herself. You might want to add it's ok to give bottles with Nesquik. Gotta start 'em young.

Terrys Rock! said...

I am laughing so hard right now! We miss Luci-Lu and all of her big ole personality.